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Partners are allowed to use the information available on the site. It is prohibited for Participants of the Affiliate Program to have two or more partner accounts in the Company. If there is a need to operate two or more accounts in the affiliate program, the partner must notify the support service and provide objective justifications for such a need. The company – reserves the right to request from the Partner the sources of traffic on which the Partner advertises projects that cooperate with the affiliate program. If the Partner refuses to provide these sources, the Company reserves the right to stop cooperation with the Partner. Payments can be blocked for any period of time until the circumstances are clarified.

  • 8,500 games from more than 130 gaming software providers cater to all tastes.
  • This 30 percent is a lifetime policy which means you can earn as long as your referees bet with us.
  • There is no hold period for those who work on RevShare.
  • As a result, you will receive a profit of $30 from Mostbet’s $100 profit, which the company will split with you by handing you 30% of.

The program’s main offers are an online casino and also sports and eSports betting from Mostbet. Available pricing models include CPA (for approved FTD) and RevShare. The payouts reach up to $75 on CPA and 60% on RevShare. We are very please to work with Mostbet Partners as they provide friendly yet professional support and offer great deals for affiliates and players alike.

Is MostBet Affiliate Program the best in Betting?

Over the years, the Mostbet team has developed approaches and strategies that help to attract and convert players using special deals, bonuses, and tournaments. Mostbet’s loyalty program was designed to attract new users and make them spend more, as well as to maintain the loyalty of old customers. Mostbet Casino also has an internal currency called coins.

  • To ensure a good conversion rate, the Mostbet team will provide you with tried and tested marketing tactics and promotion materials.
  • A hold period of two days for CPA partners and no hold period whatsoever for those who work on RevShare will enable you to maintain stable cash flow.
  • You’ll learn how to make the most of pre-landers, ad campaigns, website banners, demo accounts and so on.
  • Keep track of each user’s statistics and generate depth-varying reports.
  • The first type of Mostbet Partner is the most common in affiliate circles.
  • In two out of three cases Mostbet Partners will provide affiliates with personal terms and conditions that are better than the basic ones.

All device kinds are supported by the cross-platform technology, enabling us to reach the largest audience. Keep track of each user’s statistics and generate depth-varying reports. To Receive https://mostbetz.in Your First Payment, You Need To Make At Least $50 As A Mostbet Affiliate. That Means You Need To Generate At Least Two Successful Signups To Be Able To Receive Your First Payment.

How can I get my money from Mostbet affiliates program ?

To qualify for the payout, it’s necessary to invite at least 10 new customers to the platform. In the next stages, you’ll be asked to provide more personal details about yourself. Money laundering is a burning issue in the igaming sector, so be ready to verify your identity with documents and confirm that you aren’t planning to behave as a malicious actor. If some of your personal details get updated, please inform the management within 30 days after the change.

There is no hold period for those who work on RevShare. The hold period for partners who work on CPA is 1-2 days. I would strongly recommend Mostbet Partners if you are in search for a new igaming affiliate partner. Even if you have zero experience in affiliate marketing, you’ll have high odds of making good money on the Mostbet affiliate program thanks to the manager’s assistance. You’ll be allowed to be creative — but it’s essential to stick to the program’s guidelines. All your conversations with the manager will be classified information, so please avoid sharing it with third parties online or offline.

How to Become a Mostbet Partner

To guarantee a respectable conversion rate, the Mostbet team will give you tried-and-true advertising methods and promotional materials. The first type of Mostbet Partner is the most common in affiliate circles. RS means that the webmaster will earn from the Mostbet affiliate program every time his referrals spend money on bets or games.

People genuinely like it and you’ll be proud to promote it. Other betting affiliate programs let you make bets on sports games. Some let you bet on one game, and others let you bet on a series of games. Betting with the affiliate program you are using right now lets you make bets on one game at a time. Mostbet is one of the most famous products in the betting and iGaming verticals that provides its partners with an opportunity to monetize their traffic.

Mostbet Affiliate program, betting on sports and esports

And we are moving rapidly towards this goal, creating every day goods and continually adding new sports, online games and more. More than 2,000,000 registered and active users are in Mostbet. Mostbet ‘s loyalty program has been developed to draw new users and make them spend more, as well as retain old customers loyalty. In addition, Mostbet Casino has an internal currency called coins.

  • A change in any of these indicators may entail a change in the size of the rate, as well as a change in the time and size of the hold, including its complete write-off.
  • A lot of affiliate programs post endless lists of new domains that are immediately blocked.
  • The program never misses on payments and carefully checks traffic quality.
  • Customers get tickets and can contact the team via e-mail, skype or phone.
  • You may choose any of the available payment methods that you want to use to collect funds when it comes to payouts.
  • The more coins you earn, the more bonuses you will get while playing in a casino and the higher your level is.

Their knowledgeable and skilled managers can walk you through the partner program ‘s work, and are readily available to help address any problem quickly. The support team is super sensitive and you’ll get fast answers to any problem. Customers get tickets and can contact the team via e-mail, skype or phone. You must state your reasons and specific facts in the letter sent to the support service address. The decision made by the Affiliate Program is final and not subject to revision. Letters containing defamation, false accusations and profanity will be removed without consideration.

Mostbet Betting CPA PL

Partners of Mostbet can reach up to 60% of the revenue share for every person that joins Mostbet using their affiliate link. Therefore, the potential earnings depend on how many people join using one’s link. We work with partners according to different commission structure models, such as revenue share, CPA, and fix. In addition, we give referral bonuses to partners who bring in new ones. Sign up on Mostbet and start earning money right now.

Mostbet Partners is one of our favorite sports betting affiliate partners in the industry that we have worked with so far. For all players who sign up through you at MostBet, their partners are entitled to a 30 per cent fee on each bet lost. This 30 percent is a lifetime policy which means you can earn as long as your referees bet with us. The platform uses a tracking technology that allows you to send data directly to your side or to the ad network you are working with.

MostBet –

The more players, the more deposits and bets, the more earnings. It works automatically immediately after the registration of a partner. This model is good because the earnings will be lifelong. Even after 3 years, invited players can generate income. In this case, the following type of payment can be considered. Promotional materials have been translated into a variety of languages.

  • In its turn, your level in the loyalty program affects the exchange rate at which you can convert coins into real money.
  • Then you need to write to your manager that you have added a wallet and he will connect you an automatic system for payments.
  • Mostbet Casino also has an internal currency called coins.
  • You must state your reasons and specific facts in the letter sent to the support service address.

I don’t usually write reviews, but for this company, I just had to. If you’d like to start a dispute, the managers might need up to two weeks to solve it. Their decision will be final and you should be ready to obey it.

How do I become a Mostbet affiliate?

If a partner is interested in working with MostPartner on the CPA model, he/she must contact the support service of the partner program to connect to this program. The terms of the CPA program are negotiated and set directly – by the dedicated account manager of the partner. When forming a rate according to the CPA model, the financial indicators of the attracted players are taken into account, as well as their activity over a long period of time.

  • Every day more than 3 thousand partners invite more than 10 thousand players to the bookmaker’s office.
  • Mostbet has always been one of the most successful betting and iGaming vertical products which gives its partners the opportunity to monetize their traffic.
  • Your loyalty program level also has an impact on the rate at which you may swap coins for actual money.
  • Other betting affiliate programs let you make bets on sports games.
  • The program’s main offers are an online casino and also sports and eSports betting from Mostbet.

That’s why Mostbet has created a bot that instantly detects if one of the domains a webmaster uses is blocked and sends a new address to replace the banned one immediately. The key features for the service are an online casino, as well as Mostbet sports and eSports gaming. The pricing models available include CPA (for FTD approved) and RevShare. The Mostbet app offers customers the chance to wager on more than 30 different sports. There are several others, ranging from local competitions to international events, including basketball, baseball, and football.

FAQ – main questions about Most Partners

Simply said, you can receive a portion (between 30% and 50%) of Mostbet earnings. One of the world’s fastest growing betting and gaming companies can help you start earning big money. Great brand to promote and awesome support from the affiliate team! You’ll get your money only if your balance is positive.

  • Webmasters will benefit from the loyalty scheme of Mostbet, since the more users spend, the more the webmaster receives.
  • Lots of affiliate programs post endless lists of new domains which are blocked immediately.
  • They will share free promo materials with you and explain to you how things work.
  • As soon as you join the program, a dedicated manager will be assigned to you.

You may use a dedicated mobile version of the website or download a full-featured Mostbet application for iOS or Android (APK). In the Promo area, you’ll discover banners and pre-landers that you may use for your advertising campaigns. Congratulations, you have sent in an application to become a Mostbet partner! Your application will be reviewed, and you will be notified if you are accepted.